I don't want to do a whole lot of babbling, as I think the pics speak for themselves. I will precede them by saying we had perfect light almost the entire day. Couple that with great people, willing to entrust their photographer fully and you come up with this...
A new take on the shoes and dress shot.

The shot of the guys didn't make the short list, but we loved this one.

Killer shot of the groom on the church steps.

Maureen waited outside to capture the bride by herself, waiting to walk down the aisle. Wonderful moment!

Great moment between the b&g during the ceremony...


A more tradional pose, but I love the lines in this shot.

The ladies were all very beautiful! Notice anything else? ...only 1 brunette!!

Kick a$$ profile shot of Jeney & Derek!

And from straight on. How hot are these two?!

More kissing!

This was such an awesome backdrop that we had to use it.

The bride just looks so AMAZING in this shot!!!

Jeney and Derek were so relaxed in front of the camera and it shows...

Like I said, very relaxed. Derek is working it. Notice his awesome tailored suit. Swanky.

We found this grungy set of bars by a dumpster and I knew we had to make use of them.

I believe this was the pic of the month a while back. You can see why...

These guys really were up for anything.

Jeney. Stunning.

I can't tell you how much I love this image. I am submitting to PDN's top knots photo contest. Wish me luck!

Need a break yet? I told you this was going to be a long post...
Kissing....again. Hey, they were good at it!

Funky perspective shot of J and D. Took me a while to see the little dog.

Where we shot we had sooo many options. I loved the colour of this wall, but the 'stand in front of the wall and pose' shot has been done to death. This is what I came up with.

And last, but not least, a BB signature shot! Still one of my favourite poses! Don't they look smashing!?!

What a great day of shooting! I hope you all enjoyed.
Great pics, Byron. Best of luck! Let us know how the photo contest one does!
excellent work buddie!! are you still editing?? what contest??
super haute couple and super hot images. Love the moment she's walking into the church and the urban portraits.
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