I forgot to add a photo of the Hoover Dam in the last post. Amazing the construction that is going on there. Soon you'll take your car over the canyon via a massive bridge vs going over the dam itself.

On our way to Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon, I asked the guys driving this van if I could get a pic of their beast. They were telling me the reason that their van had only one horn was because people kept breaking a piece off for themselves. I have no idea why they wanted a bulls horn on their van in the first place or where they were going, but I would have liked to know.

In Sedona, as you come over the hill you see these amazing cliffs and you can't believe your eyes. The colour is ridiculous. My photos definitely don't do them justice.

We had to stop in to see the Holy Cross church. Built into the side of the mountain and facing the town, it really is unbelievable.

As I was walking around, I couldn't help notice that all the cars in the area had red (and I mean red) dirt on their tires. In my ultra-white running tourist running shoes, I found the same thing.

Last stop...the Grand Canyon. It got cooler as we approached Flagstaff. We had to get gas and it started snowing. Luckily I had rented in the car in Phoenix - because they put snow tires on for us...mmm yeah, not so much. Anyhoo, it's still a 2 hour hike from Flagstaff to the GC, and it was approaching 3:30. We had no idea what time the park closed, so I was haulin' to get there (is "haulin'" a word?). Cars were turning back because of the bad weather...but not me, I had to see the GC! As we get minutes away the sun is virtually set and more grey stormy skies rear their ugly head. Finally, pulling into one of the lots on the south rim, we park and all I can see of the Canyon is the hand rail and a white cloud that settled over one of the wonders of the world. You can imagine my desire to jump!
...by devine intervention, the skies opened up, the sun became uber-amazing, and here is what we saw....

How amazingly wonderful! I literally couldn't believe my eyes. We could only spend about 15 more minutes there, but I still managed to snap about 100 pics. I am definitely going back. Maybe even do a walking tour in the canyon itself.
What an amazing trip!
Thanks to my sis-in-law, her hubby, the kiddies and my mother-in-law! We love you, we had a superb time!
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