So, Mo and I used some of our time and creativity on Saturday when the rain stopped for a bit to go out to a local park and see what we could come up with.
Always a good laff, and a good time just hangin' out with each other! Ain't we lucky!
Here's one of Mo from above:

And the same in b & w. Isn't she a stunner!

And hey, what photoshoot wouldn't be complete without a shot with the photographer!

Another of the perky redhead from above. I think was holding on to a fence while taking this one.

Just put the camera on a 10 sec timer, used the case of my light disc as a place marker, ask Mo to jump on my back, et voila:

A pensive shot through the bushes...

I really like this one! It's an interesting perspective:

Shot while she stood on a small hill with the gray skies in the bg. The colour version didn't have enough impact for me.

Set the camera at ISO 50 and about an 1/8th of a second. You should try this method, it can produce some really interesting results!

A green park with an attitude...

With a little help from the gold reflector :)!! Anyone know where I put it?

I like the use of negative space in this one...and a slight tilt of the camera...

Another shot on the ground:

Another taken from above.

And here's how it looks in colour. She's got piercing blue eyes!
(and no flash!)

I hope you had a well-deserved rest on your labour day weekend and that you got time to see your family and friends.
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