It's funny how styles change...and I mean that. Mostly positive change when talking about photography and weddings.
It seems the more I talk to people the more I understand what it means to them to have captured the details of the wedding. Long gone seem the days when formal, rigid rules applied to wedding photography and all the good stuff went overlooked. In fact, I seem to say that even less. I find myself saying 'wedding photojournalism' or 'creative wedding portraiture'!
I'm meeting brides that tell me all about their dresses and how the design of the dress meant more than just pearls and lace. It's so important for them to have me capture some of the things that they've invested a lot of time, effort and money into. And I couldn't agree more. One bride-to-be recently told me that she loves the idea that I'll be taking pics of the back of her head, because she'll never get to see it...I was blown away!! She's so right!! She'll have her hair done up in the early morning and won't get to see it all day. How sad is that? And she's paying some very talented hair people to do it, so it will be gorgeous.
Another bride thought it was a great idea that I visited the groom and his groomsmen when they were getting ready. She's going to miss them playing poker and telling fun stories at the groom's expense and she only wished she could be a fly on the wall.
I am truly appreciative of all the months and months of preparation that brides and grooms (and their family and friends) have spent on their wedding, only to have it go by in such a short time! It is for this reason that I feel very much responsible for trying to capture all the details so the newlyweds can pull out their album anytime and remember what a great day their wedding truly was.